Sunday, February 23, 2014

Creation Moment 2/24/2014 - Delaware Museum of Natural History

"The Delaware Museum of Natural History in the USA has a new exhibit on evolution, and it aims to convince children that evolutionary ideas are true. The museum’s exhibit called “Charlie & Kiwi’s Evolutionary Adventure” assumes that dinosaurs evolved into birds and confuses observable genetic variation in birds with molecules-to-man evolution.

Now, I made the point in my recent debate with Bill Nye “the Science Guy”
that there are two kinds of science:

(1) experimental or observational science, which can be repeatedly tested and directly observed; and (2) historical or origins science, which deals with the past and cannot be tested or observed directly.

The Delaware Museum seems to make the same mistake Mr. Nye and many other evolutionists do: they confuse observational science with historical science.
For example, the promotional website for the Charlie & Kiwi exhibit says that children will “find similarities in the skeletons of an Archaeopteryx . . . a dinosaur . . . and a modern-day crow.” They’ll also “change a dinosaur into a flying Archaeopteryx through an interactive game.” Of course, all of this is based on the assumption that dinosaurs evolved into birds—which is completely unproven ..."KenHam/AIG
And God said,
Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,
and creeping thing,
and beast of the earth after his kind:
Genesis 1:24