Sunday, February 16, 2014

Creation Moment 2/17/2014 - Hi-Five the banana tree

 "For example, human DNA sequences are around 50% identical to banana sequences. You have to go back in time a long way to find a common ancestor between humans and bananas, but ultimately they have both emerged from the same family tree, the tree of life, and that is the reason they may share similar characteristics." SeriousFacts

So if banana trees & humans are related, then "a long way" back, when the evolutionary process split off in different directions (one towards eventually humans & the other towards banana trees) did the DNA on the path towards humans signal the DNA on it's way towards becoming banana trees?
Did it include an set of instructions of how to grow roots to pull nutrients out of the ground, package it in an edible format for the future digestive track of humans and then produce it in a form for easy pickings off a tree? Also, did the DNA that split off from the banana tree-to-be get a High-Five at the departure point of the evolutionary split from the human-to-be DNA?

Of course, the interaction of the banana tree (its purpose) with that of humans makes more sense if Genesis is correct....
And God said,
 Let the earth bring forth
....the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,
whose seed is in itself, upon the earth:
Genesis 1:11