Thursday, February 13, 2014

Creation Moment 2/14/2014 - It was Darwin Day?

....for the memory of them is forgotten.
Ecclesiastes 9:5
"Except among certain special-interest groups, Darwin Day
seems to have been a non-event, but one Darwinist won an award for Censor of the Year.
There wasn’t as much news this year about Darwin Day, February 12 (Charles Darwin’s birthday).   Most of the celebrations seemed to be local events, like one in Tampa Bay, Florida, listed on Nature’s event directory:
Join us as we celebrate science, education, and clear thinking at our Annual Darwin Day Celebration 2014 with Daniel Dennett:  One of America’s Greatest Living Philosophers and one of the famed Four Horseman of Atheism, along with Hitchens, Dawkins, and Harris.
It’s not clear how helpful it is to Darwin defenders to link Darwin Day to atheism – particularly using a Biblical metaphor.  Besides, Christopher Hitchens, being dead, is no longer an atheist." CEH

It was Darwin day already? Even this blog forgot--LOL....