Saturday, February 1, 2014

Creation Moment 2/1/2014 - Cosmic Stork?

Think about the myth of the "Big-Bang" is sort of like a cosmic stork of a story.
The "Big-Bang" is growing so weak these days that evolutionary cosmologists are continuing to turn to alternative theories...such as the Brane theory, Carmelian theory & MOND (modified theory of Newtonian dynamics).
"Equations of motion, in cylindrical co-ordinates, for the observed rotation of gases within the gravitational potential of spiral galaxies have been derived from Carmeli's Cosmological General Relativity theory. A Tully-Fisher type relation results and rotation curves are reproduced without the need for non-baryonic halo dark matter. Two acceleration regimes are discovered that are separated by a critical accleration 4.75×1010 m.s2 . For accelerations larger than the critical value the Newtonian force law applies, but for accelerations less than the critical value the Carmelian regime applies. In the Newtonian regime the accelerations fall off as r2 , but in the Carmelian regime the accelerations fall off as r1 . This is new physics but is exactly what is suggested by Migrom's phenomenological MOND theory." CornellUniversity
Of course....there is the only "theory" which counts....
To him that stretched out the earth above the waters:
for his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 136:6