Friday, February 7, 2014

Counterfeit Christianity & Secular World - the same spirit

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:
Exodus 20:10
The secular world & counterfeit Christianity are one & the same.

The same spirit is behind both spiritual Egypt (and their GREEN Religion) and spiritual Babylon (and their counterfeit Christianity of today-whether the stale theologically "liberal" brand or the on-fire charismatic or evangelical brands)

Here is the evidence: Both assault the 4th Commandment
1) Spiritual Egypt assaults the 4th Commandment by mocking the Creation story in it and replacing it with the myth of evolution.
2) Spiritual Babylon assaults the 4th Commandment by trampling on the 7th day Sabbath with the 1st day of the week as a substitution for it.

Does God assault His own Commandment? Of course not-so that spirit of joint attack stems from another know who....