Sunday, February 9, 2014

ARCHAEOLOGY: Out for a walk? (How 'bout a run?)

"They were a British family on a day out -- almost a million years ago.
Archaeologists announced Friday that they have discovered human footprints in England that are between 800,000 and 1 million years old....

A team from the British Museum, London's Natural History Museum and Queen Mary college at the University of London uncovered imprints from up to five individuals in ancient estuary mud at Happisburgh on the country's eastern coast.
Preserved in layers of silt and sand for hundreds of millennia before being exposed by the tide last year, the prints give a vivid glimpse of some of our most ancient ancestors. They were left by a group, including at least two children and one adult male.
Scientists dated the footprints by studying their geological position and from nearby fossils of long-extinct animals including mammoth, ancient horse and early vole.
The footprint find will form part of an exhibition, "Britain: One Million Years of the Human Story," opening at the Natural History Museum next week.
The footprints themselves, which survived for almost 1 million years, won't be there. Two weeks after they were uncovered, North Sea tides had washed them away." FOX

No, they are NOT a million years old.
This is an example on display of how evolution is a worldview.
Since they believe the nearby geological layers are that old....and the nearby animal fossils-they go on and guess.
On the other hand- a Creation scientist looks at the same data and realizes these are likely prints from during the early stage of the great deluge.

And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Genesis 7:12

Bottom Line:
An evolutionist looks at the evidence-and assumes they were out for a walk.
A Creation scientist looks at the same evidence and assumes they were likely on the run...If U know what I mean.....