Monday, January 6, 2014

Roots of Post-Millennial false doctrine

The error of Post-Millennial theology basically is the end times view that Christ returns AFTER the millennium on earth.
It has its roots in the Catholic Cistercian monk Joachim (born in 1135).
He viewed history as 3 successive stages, each one overseen by a member of the Trinity.
Old Testament Times-Age of the Father
From the cross to the days of Joachim-Age of the Son
Final stage-Age of the Holy Spirit for the home stretch.
One reason the Catholic Church rejected this view of Joachim at the time was because he taught that the Papacy belonged to the 2nd Age. And that the 3rd Age would not need such a leader.
Post-Millennialism didn't catch on until colonial America, especially when preached by Jonathon Edwards. It reached its zenith in popularity in the 1800's but quickly died down during the 1900's.
Calvin is considered to have been of the post-Millennial mindset during the Reformation.
Part of the reason for its rise in colonial times was the idea that as the Gospel spreads-then when the last person converts the millennium can begin followed by the return of Christ.
The Puritans were Post-Millennial, but of the idea that it is achieved by changing peoples hearts & minds. The charismatic movement added a twist (called Dominion Post-Millennialism) that it begins when the last government on earth is "Christian".
One can see why in the days of colonial America Post-Millennialism would be an attractive theology....Christianity was spreading around the world.
IN CLOSING...Of course Post-Millennialism is a doctrinal error, for Revelation is clear that the Millennium begins AFTER the 2nd advent--NOT before. But of course many of the saints of the past will be in the resurrection who believed in it because your salvation isn't dependent in and of itself on whether you hold the correct interpretation of the Millennium.

....and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Revelation 20:6