Wednesday, January 29, 2014

IN the NEWS - Broomstick Grammy's?

"Was singer Katy Perry’s performance at the Grammy Awards on Sunday “demonic?” That’s how Glenn Beck described it on his radio show Tuesday, saying he wasn’t so much shocked by the performance, but rather shocked that it wasn’t a major topic of conversation on Monday.
“The fire in the circle, her hanging onto the witch’s broom, and the guys with the gigantic horns on their head in the background…” he said with a laugh of disbelief. “I mean, it is — it’s full-fledged witchcraft and
demonic glorification, I think.”
Though Perry was originally a Christian singer, the pop star rejected her childhood faith in a December interview with Marie Claire. She said she still has a “deep connection with God,” but no longer identifies as Christian, nor does she believe in “an old man sitting on a throne.”
Beck said that after Perry’s performance Sunday, he couldn’t help but think of “the [Democratic National Convention] where they denied God three times.”
“Where are we headed as a society? Where are we headed as a society?” he asked." TheBlaze

For men shall be lovers of their own selves,.....
2 Timothy 3:2