Saturday, January 4, 2014

Identity of the Little Horn: Pt.1

#1: Among the 10

This little horn power in Daniel would arise from among the 10 kingdoms that came after the fall of the Roman Empire.
*Rome was the last of the 4 kingdoms (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome)

And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise:
and another shall rise after them;
and he shall be diverse from the first,
Daniel 7:24
When Rome fell it split exactly into 10 separate nations:
  1. The Saxons, originating the English nation.
  2. The Franks, originating the French nation.
  3. The Alamanni, originating the German nation.
  4. The Visigoths, originating the Spanish nation.
  5. The Suevi, originating the Portuguese nation.
  6. The Lombards, originating the Italian nation.
  7. The Burgundians, originating the Swiss nation.
  8. The Heruli,  disappeared in 493 A.D.
  9. The Vandals, disappeared in 534 A.D.
  10. The Ostrogoths, disappeared in 538 A.D.
*Some believe that "10" is rather a symbolic round number representing a multitude of nations over time following the fall of Rome, especially in Europe.....