Thursday, January 2, 2014

Creation Moment 1/3/2014 - Upcoming Debate



Museum members: Call for special discount. 1-800-350-3232, ext. 355
Tickets available starting Monday, January 6.

Schedule - Feb. 4, 2014

Note: Any overlapping times indicate multiple, simultaneous sessions
Tue, Feb 04
7 p.m. -9:30 p.m.
Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins? Bill Nye - Ken Ham Debate
"TV’s famed “Bill Nye the Science Guy” will argue the case against creation and for evolution as he faces the founder and president of the Creation Museum, Ken Ham, on February 4, 2014, in the museum’s 900-seat Legacy Hall.
The agreed-upon topic for the 7 PM debate is “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific world?”
“A debate with Mr. Nye, nationally known for his children’s TV program and for promoting evolution, will be one of our major events in 2014 to highlight how children and teens are being influenced by evolutionary thinking," declared Ham.
Ham also noted, “If his schedule permits, Mr. Nye will be my guest at the museum on February 4. I would personally show him through our museum before the debate. I would also like him to meet our several full-time staff members who hold earned doctorates in science.”" AIG
For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens;
God himself that formed the earth and made it;
he hath established it,
he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited:
I am the LORD; and there is none else.
Isaiah 48:18