Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creation Moment 1/31/2014 - Bullies

"The outline of the story is now, sadly, a familiar one. Instructor wants to discuss intelligent design (ID). Intolerant atheists throw a fit. College quickly capitulates to the demands of the atheists. Instructor is censored. The scenario played out again this past semester in Amarillo, Texas. I'll give the identities of the parties involved in just a moment, but for now, let's note some twists unique to the situation. According to internal communications, campus administrators feared that disgruntled atheists would stage a "disruption" if the ID class went forward. The atheist leader got so "intense" in arguing for Darwinian evolution over intelligent design that college staff called the police on him, apparently potentially concerned over their own safety. And get this: the intolerant atheists call themselves the "Freethought Oasis." You can't make this stuff up.

 Well, here are the actors in this latest censorship play:
The Censored Instructor: Stanley Wilson His Course: "Evolution vs. Intelligent Design" The Textbook: Explore Evolution: The Arguments For and Against Neo-Darwinism The Cowardly College: Amarillo College ("AC") The Intolerant Atheists: Jamie Farren and his "Freethought Oasis" Accessories to the Cancellation of the Class: Texas Freedom Network and National Center for Science EducationWhile there are amusing sides to the case.
Tragically, we live at a time when schools and colleges, far from being calm sanctuaries of learning and discussion, seem beset by violent, disgruntled, disturbed individuals." ENV
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:22