Monday, January 27, 2014

Creation Moment 1/28/2014 - BOO!... Bill

He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife:
Proverbs 28:25
"Bill Nye “the Science Guy” is gearing up for a big debate on evolution with Ken Ham, the founder of Kentucky’s Creation Museum on February 4th. Despite criticism from atheists like Dan Arel, who say Nye is only lending credibility to creationism by participating in the debate, Nye is sticking by his decision, telling HuffPost Live that the issue to too important for him to ignore. 

“I don’t think I’m going to win Mr. Ham over any more than Mr. Ham thinks he’s going to win me over,” Nye said this week. “Instead, I want to show people that this belief is still among us. It finds its way onto school boards in the United States.”
He said the push to include creationism in science classes across the country does “frighten” him, calling it a “deep concern.” He added, “If the United States produces a generation of science students who don’t believe in science, that is troublesome.” " Mediaite

Hey Bill, ...BOO!......sorry, didn't mean to "frighten" U...