Thursday, January 16, 2014

Creation Moment 1/17/2014 - The Link That Never Was

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,...
Genesis 1:24
"Professor G. G. Simpson, one of the elite spokesmen for evolution, writes about multiple, simultaneous mutations and reports that the mathematical likelihood of getting good evolutionary results would occur only once in 274 billion years! And that would be assuming 100 million individuals are reproducing a new
generation Every Day!

They say mutation is necessary to make the changes required by their theory, yet they have to confess that it is scientifically impossible for mutation to make the changes. 
Mutations, of course, do affect minor changes within the basic kinds, but those changes are limited, never producing a new family. They can explain many of the varieties of both plant and animals, but can never explain the creation of basic kinds as required by evolution.
The "common ancestor" that evolution demands has never existed. He is not a "missing link." He is a link who never was." BU