Thursday, January 9, 2014

Creation Moment 1/10/2014 - "Braid"?

"A veteran paleoanthropologist says the discoveries of 2013 have replaced Darwin’s tree picture of human evolution with a “braid.”
Be afraid, Darwin: it’s a braid, not a tree.  Clive Finlayson of the Gibraltar Museum says that a single skull in the Caucasus has overthrown the concept of a branching tree of human evolution.  Writing in the BBC News in “Viewpoint: Human evolution, from tree to braid,” he says the implications of replacement therapy are far-reaching: 

Some time ago we replaced a linear view of our evolution by one represented by a branching tree. It is now time to replace it with that of an interwoven plexus of genetic lineages that branch out and fuse once again with the passage of time.
This means, of course, that we must abandon, once and for all, views of modern human superiority over archaic (ancient) humans. The terms “archaic” and “modern” lose all meaning as do concepts of modern human replacement of all other lineages.
A typical “braid” is composed of strands that do not fuse, so the analogy is somewhat misleading.  The evidence he presents actually suggests a single strand of humanity.  Such a shocking announcement is not the only implication of Dmanisi skull #5 and its brethren in the cave." CEH

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth,
Acts 17:26