Monday, January 27, 2014


"Sulfur, which was found in places all five cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, Cebojim, Adma, Zoar, in fine powder compressed into a sphere in a burnt capsule. Sulfur is found with a purity up to 98%. There have been many sulfur analysis of samples throughout the world. All experts who were able to test the sulfur stated that the samples are completely unique.

Sulfur in Sodom, is unique because it is dust, is sealed, the package is ashen and the so-called Ring of combustion....It's the rest of slab melting, but not from the outside inwards, as would be expected for such things, but it's from the inside out. This suggests that the sulfur is melted into something and began to spearhead high temperature to melt outwards, then left behind the so-called combustion circuit.
Let's look at Pompeii, a city in the province of Naples that was destroyed by a volcanic fury of the volcano Vesuvius. When the ash fell on the city, everything was covered with ashes. But the city itself remained preserved. Once found, remove the ash and stone walls have even colored mosaics and drawings. This is the result of volcanic activity.
Let's see in Sodom and Gomorrah what happened. Instead of the ash coating city in the ashes. This is something completely different than volcanic activity. It was not found in any other ruins in the world. Archaeologists have uncovered many lost cities in the world, but no one was reversed in the ashes." AH
"The five cities of the plain have been located and the evidence is staggering.  For the first time in modern history we have found round balls of brimstone, or nearly pure sulfur, embedded in an ashen area near the Dead Sea, which show clear signs of having once been ancient building structures! 
The cities were located in the plain, so they should not be located in the low area now covered by the Dead Sea.  These cities were well known in the first century, as Josephus said, "The traces or shadows of the five cities are still to be seen."  If Josephus could see them, then we should be able to see them also.  The water level of the Dead Sea has fallen since the time of Josephus,....This is the only place on earth where you can find 96 percent pure monoclinic sulfur in a round ball.  This brimstone is NOT from any type of geo-thermal activity as there is no evidence of such in the area, and geo-thermal sulfur nodules are only 40 percent pure sulfur and are of the rhombic type." AD

Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah
brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
Genesis 19:24