Sunday, December 8, 2013

The "Really" File - (Ghost Hunters Get "Burned")

There shall not be found among you any one that......converses with ghosts or spirits or communicates with the dead.   
Deuteronomy 18:10,11 CEB

"Seven men were arrested after they managed to burn down the LeBeau Plantation house near New Orleans.

From the "Really" File
Built in the 1850s, the mansion is well known for its paranormal activity and ghost sightings. Stories from those who lived and worked there tell of a mysterious ghostly woman with a long white dress who is said to walk on the upstairs porch. Throughout its history the building has been everything from a hotel to an illegal gambling house but has since been abandoned and boarded up for some years.

Hoping to experience the building's ghostly occupants for themselves, the group of seven ghost hunters had made their way in to the building to look around. In an effort to elicit a response from whatever may be lurking there they attempted a technique known as 'provocation' which involved calling out any spirits through a barrage of loud noises and verbal intimidation.

Having been unable to get a response the group decided, for reasons known only to themselves, that it would be a good idea to light a fire instead. Within minutes the flames had spread to the building's framework and by the time firefighters arrived the mansion had been almost completely destroyed.

Fortunately nobody was injured however the men now face charges of criminal damage, arson and trespassing and are unlikely to be attempting any more ghost hunts for the foreseeable future."

Before the Ghost Hunters

During the Ghost Hunters
After the Ghost Hunters