Friday, December 6, 2013

SDA News - State of the Church address 2013

"Seventh-day Adventist Church President Ted N. C. Wilson released a State of the Church address in which he updated the denomination on its mission and membership growth and highlighted concerns,
In his address, Wilson went on to explain what he said were four “spiritual maladies” affecting some people in the Adventist Church:

•    A loss of Seventh-day Adventist identity among some pastors and members.
•    A “growing tide of worldliness” in many Adventist Churches.
•    The “danger of disunity.”
•    Spiritual apathy and lack of involvement.

“Too many of our pastors and members either have failed to recognize, or have forgotten, the divine prophetic calling God has given us as a church,” Wilson said.

Regarding “worldliness” entering the church, Wilson said, “Standards that were once cherished by Seventh-day Adventists in the areas of diet and dress, recreation and amusement, and Sabbath-keeping, are fast becoming things of the past.”

Regarding church unity, he again quoted White, who said “Unity is the strength of the church.”

Regarding spiritual apathy, Wilson said church members would not grow spiritually without active involvement in church life and service activities.

He later added, “I pray that every one of us will lay aside our personal opinions for the good of the body of Christ, and that we will, together, march forward to the kingdom of God." ANN

And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
which keep the commandments of God,
and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:17