Thursday, December 12, 2013

SCAM ALERT - Fluff Daddy of TV Evangelism

Fluff Daddy of TV Evangelism
For those of you out there who "like" Joel Osteen & his fluff sermons and give him money or buy his silly self help books-----look where your MONEY went----
"At Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen proclaims,”It’s God’s will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty.” The pastor of the Houston megachurch and wife Victoria certainly practice what they preach.
The couple has moved to a $10.5 million mansion in River Oaks, while keeping their former Tanglewood residence, valued at $2.9 million.
They are, however, selling a vacant lot next to their former home. Asking price for the half-acre property at the corner of Doliver and Sherbrooke: $1.1 million." TheWordOnTheWordOfFaith

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21
Self Help, Pop Psychology Psychobabbel
Of Fluff Daddy Osteen
With all due respect, Osteen viewers----
Instead of focusing on YOU down here---
how about focusing on God above
and pray for others more than yourself
--Just a Thought--