Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lesson of the dried up brook

And it came to pass after a while,
that the brook dried up,
because there had been no rain in the land.
1 Kings 17:7
"Can’t you picture the disappointment as Elijah walked out to the brook to get his daily water supply? He looked down upon the dry, brown stones of the brook-bed and could scarcely believe what he saw. Not a drop of water remained. A terrible tragedy had over taken him—THE BROOK HAD DRIED UP!

Don’t you see how God closed one door so that He could open another one?
Elijah had been there long enough.
God had another experience waiting for him in Zarephath.
God provided the brook, and God dried it up.
It would have been a tragedy for the prophet to remain longer in the wilderness.
Life was moving on.

Arise, get thee to Zarephath,
which belongeth to Zidon,
and dwell there: behold,
I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.
1 Kings 17:9
In the dynamics of divine Providence,
Elijah was scheduled to experience another miracle in another place.
Had the brook not dried up, he would have stayed there.
He would have relaxed in the satisfying fullness of material blessing.
But he would have missed
* the widow’s cruse,
* the Carmel experience, and
* Elisha plowing in the field." from The Brook Dried Up by Joe Crews