Tuesday, December 3, 2013

IN the NEWS - Zoo Meat

"Starving Syrian rebels besieged in Damascus suburbs signalled their desperation yesterday by killing
and eating a zoo’s lion.
Pictures of men butchering the visibly emaciated animal, said to have been taken from the Al-Qarya al-Shama Zoo, were widely disseminated on websites sympathetic to the rebels," TheTimesMiddleEast

"Last month, a group of Syria clerics issued a fatwa allowing people living in besieged suburbs to eat meat normally forbidden under Islamic law. The Muslim clerics said people could eat cats, dogs and donkeys in a bid to reduce growing hunger in the agricultural belt of Ghouta.
Over 100 people died in the eastern suburbs on Friday after fierce fighting broke out when Syrian rebels tried to break a month long blockade. According to local and international aid workers, President Assad’s forces appeared to be trying to starve out residents." TheIndependent

So this is how far enlightened man has fallen since the enlightenment? Eating zoo meat in the 21st century? This is a far fall from paradise from the day when ---- And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. Genesis 1:31