Sunday, December 1, 2013

IN the NEWS - Whack Friday

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Luke 12:34

As a Headline from the Drudge Report said of Black Friday-Whack Friday
"It was only a few hours into the annual Black Friday shopping sales this year when the Twitter hashtag #WalmartFights began trending, encouraging users to post photos and videos of shoppers getting violent at Walmart stores.
People using the hashtag posted photos and videos of bloody noses, paramedics wheeling stretchers, women smacking one another on the head, security officers wrestling shoppers to the ground and employees yelling at shoppers to stop recording the melees on their cellphones.

In Chicago, a man accused of attempting to shoplift from a Kohl's store fled to his car, trapping a police officer's arm in the door and taking off, prompting police to fire shots at his vehicle.
A man in Virginia was stabbed at Walmart during an argument over a parking spot before many Americans had even finished eating Thanksgiving dinner, at round 6:30 p.m. Thursday night. Police in Rialto, Calif., endured injuries when breaking up a brawl outside Walmart. " ABC
"A woman and a little girl were trampled and injured during a Black Friday frenzy at the local Walmart in New Boston, Ohio, officials say.
According to Portsmouth Ambulance crew person Judy Boggs, a little girl was sent to the hospital after being injured by shoppers at about 8PM on Thanksgiving night.
"The first call came in at 7:56 p.m. that a child had been trampled at Walmart. The crew was on scene at 8:01 p.m.," Boggs told the media. The medical tech said that the injured was an 11-year-old female." Breitbart

"A Thanksgiving shopper is facing criminal charges after police say she pulled a stun gun in a dispute over a shopping cart outside of a Walmart store.
Police say it happened Thursday at about 7:18 p.m. at the Walmart in Linden, N.J." FOXNY

"Las Vegas reports a customer who bought a big-screen TV at Target was shot in the leg while walking back to a nearby apartment complex. A warning shot was fired first, causing him to drop the television, and then he was wounded in the leg while trying to stop his assailant from taking it.

And in Southern California, at least two people were taken into custody after an alleged fight at a Walmart over line-cutting."

Brawl-mart, Texas
Cut-mart, California
One woman apparently used a stun gun on another after an all-out brawl inside of the Franklin Mills Mall in Northeast Philadelphia, and the entire incident was caught on video.
One woman apparently used a stun gun on another after an all-out brawl inside of the Franklin Mills Mall in Northeast Philadelphia, and the entire incident was caught on video.

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom,
fulness of bread,
 and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters,
neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
Ezekiel 16:49