Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Papal Notes - Pope goes Socialist?

  "Pope Francis on Tuesday sharply criticized growing economic inequality and unfettered markets in a wide-ranging and decidedly populist teaching that revealed how he plans to reshape the Catholic Church.
In his most authoritative writings as pontiff, Francis decried an “idolatry of money” in secular culture
and warned that it would lead to “a new tyranny.”
On Tuesday, he showed a willingness to use tough language in attacking what he views as the excesses of capitalism. Using a phrase with special resonance in the United States, he strongly criticized an economic theory — often affiliated with conservatives — that discourages taxation and regulation.
“Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world,” Francis wrote in the papal statement.
“Meanwhile,” he added, “the excluded are still waiting.”
Although Francis has previously raised concerns about the growing gap between the wealthy and the poor, the direct reference to “trickle-down” economics in the English translation of his statement is striking." WashingtonPost

RUSH Responds to Pope-
"RUSH: You know, the pope, Pope Francis -- this is astounding -- has issued an official papal proclamation, and it's sad.  It's actually unbelievable.  The pope has written, in part, about the utter evils of capitalism. It's sad because this pope makes it very clear he doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to capitalism and socialism and so forth. 
But the pope here has now gone beyond Catholicism here, and this is pure political. 
Folks, in recent weeks I have endeavored to try to make you understand how it is that people like modern-age Democrats look at small business and business at large.  They do not, in the terms of small business, understand how fragile it is.  Their view of business is that people who own them or run them cheat their customers, abuse their employees, hoard all the money, and have tons of it. 
They take it and keep it for themselves.  They deny their employees a livable wage.  They deny them health care.  They deny them benefits.  They produce products that kill and maim and sicken, or they produce products that destroy the planet, destroy the environment, or what have you. 

Wherever socialists have gained power, they have done nothing but spread poverty.  They cannot and do not produce wealth.  They do not understand it.  All they can do is destroy it.  They are not compassionate; they coerce.  And to hear the pope regurgitating this stuff, I was profoundly disappointed. 

There's been nothing like the United States, ever, in world history.  Nothing.  And certainly not for this length of time, nothing even compares.  It goes back to what I've always talked about in regards to American exceptionalism.  What made this possible was our founding documents enshrining the notion that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, meaning nobody can take 'em away, and that is the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Those rights come from our creator, God.  They are part of our natural existence. 

Socialism does not create free people and societies, and it does not preside over massive charitable giving and compassion.  Socialism, Marxism constrain people, limits people, prevents people from realizing their potential as human beings. 

It's gotten to the point now that many people have been told that the rich got rich by stealing money from the poor, and I've never understood the mathematics of that.  If trickle-down economics doesn't work, why is Obama's Federal Reserve pumping $85 billion would it be into the stock market every month?

Nobody has the right to determine what anybody "needs," and the minute you let somebody do that for you, you are surrendering total control of your life.  It's not Obama's business what anybody "needs." 

Just a couple more things here on the latest anti-capitalist proclamation from the pope.  I would be remiss if I did not point out Pope John Paul II, who had as his primary enemy, communism.  Pope John Paul II largely credited Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher for the defeat of Soviet sponsored communism in Europe.  The liberation of Poland.  And juxtaposed against the actions of Pope John Paul II this pope and the things that he released yesterday or recently are really striking.

 This is an actual quote from what he wrote.  "The culture of prosperity deadens us.  We are thrilled if the market offers us something new to purchase.  In the meantime, all those lives stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle.  They fail to move us."  I mean, that's pretty profound.  That's going way beyond matters that are ethical.  This is almost a statement about who should control financial markets.  He says that the global economy needs government control. 
I'm not Catholic, but I know enough to know that this would have been unthinkable for a pope to believe or say just a few years ago." Rush Limbaugh Website

 A New Age of Global Socialism Coming?
And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:17