Monday, December 16, 2013

Papal Notes - He did it again- Guess who ...

"The Top 10 Religion Stories Of 2013

1. Pope Francis, Pope Francis, Pope Francis
When the white smoke appeared and the new pope walked out onto the balcony overlooking St. Peter's square, millions of people around the world reacted with a resounding: Who is that? Not any longer. It may have started when the newly minted Pontiff decided wash the feet of Muslim and
women inmates that made the world look up and say, whoa, something has changed. Then came the enthusiasm from World Youth Day in Rio, the bombshell quotes on atheists, gays, and the economic system, his warm displays of caring towards people with disabilities and children, his cold calls to people in need and his humble lifestyle choices.
In nine short months, Pope Francis has become the most talked about name on Facebook, the most powerful person on Twitter and the most talked about name on the Internet, and recently was named Time Magazine's Person of the Year." HuffingtonPost

...and all the world wondered after the beast.Revelation 13:3
Pope Francis isn't the Little Horn (of Daniel) or the Beast (of Revelation) but he is the head of that entity-Papal Rome