Wednesday, December 18, 2013

IN the NEWS - #1....

When he ascended up on high,
 he led captivity captive,
Ephesians 4:8
"Christ Is No. 1 In Top 10 Most Significant Figures In Human History, According to New Ranking Based on Wikipedia--

Jesus Christ has been named as the most significant person in human history ever, according to a new rankings system that based its listing on Wikipedia data. The list was created by analyzing the impact a figure has had on people's opinions over history.

Two computer scientists used the popular online encyclopedia to create a list of the Top 10 Most Significant Figures in Human History by measuring the impact on opinions certain individuals have had over time, and how that has reflected onto their Wikipedia pages.
Jesus Christ came in number one in the listing,......The ranking listed Islamic Prophet Muhammad as number four,......Professor Skiena told Pacific Standard: "We would call Jesus 'The most significant person ever'. With over 2 billion followers a full 2,000 years after his death, Jesus is an incredibly successful historical meme."

Here is the Top 10 Most Significant Figures in Human History:
1. Jesus Christ

 2. Napoleon Bonaparte

 3. William Shakespeare

 4. Prophet Muhammad

 5. Abraham Lincoln

 6. George Washington

 7. Adolf Hitler

 8. Aristotle

 9. Alexander the Great

 10. Thomas Jefferson"