Monday, December 2, 2013

Creation Moment 12/3/2013 - Dinosaur Stench

"Many dinosaur fossils include real bone—they are not completely mineralized, i.e. are not yet
‘rock’. And what is found inside those dinosaur bones is a huge surprise to many people. A series of discoveries since the early 1990s has revealed dino bones with blood cells, hemoglobin, fragile proteins, and soft tissue such as flexible ligaments and blood vessels. And of special note: DNA and radiocarbon.
This is enormously confronting for evolutionists, because how could such bones possibly be 65 million years old? As one of the researchers involved in the discovery of dinosaur blood cells, Dr Mary Schweitzer, said:
“If you take a blood sample, and you stick it on a shelf, you have nothing recognizable in about a week. So why would there be anything left in dinosaurs?”
Schweitzer recounts how she noticed that a T. rex skeleton (from Hell Creek, Montana) had a distinctly cadaverous odour. When she mentioned this to long-time paleontologist Jack Horner, he said, “Oh yeah, all Hell Creek bones smell.” But so ingrained is the notion among paleontologists that dinosaur bones must be millions of years old that the ‘smell of death’ didn’t even register with them—despite the evidence being right under their noses. Schweitzer herself does not seem able or willing to escape the long-age paradigm, despite her direct involvement in many of the discoveries. Note the timeline of these findings across two decades—pointed and regular reminders that something is very wrong with dinosaur-millions-of-years ideas:
In 1993, dinosaur bone blood cells give Mary Schweitzer ‘goosebumps’.
In 1997, hemoglobin, as well as recognizable red blood cells, in T. rex bone.
In 2003, evidence of the protein osteocalcin.
In 2005, flexible ligaments and blood vessels.
In 2007, collagen (an important structural protein in bone) in T. rex bone.
In 2009, the fragile proteins elastin and laminin, and further confirmation of collagen—in a duck-billed dinosaur. (If the dinosaur fossils really were as old as claimed, none of these proteins should have been present.)
In 2012, bone cells (osteocytes), the proteins actin and tubulin, and DNA(!) were reported. (Measured rates of decomposition of these proteins, and especially DNA, show that they could not have lasted for the presumed 65 million years since dinosaur extinction. This is more in keeping with the biblical timeframe of thousands of years.)
In 2012, radiocarbon was reported. (But carbon-14 decays so quickly that if the remains were even 100,000 years old, none should be detectable!)" CMI
Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee;
he eateth grass as an ox.
Job 40:15