Thursday, December 26, 2013

Creation Moment 12/27/2013 - Our Biological Future

  "...maintenance mishaps—the proper term in biology is mutation—copying mistakes in our DNA. These copying mistakes are accumulating at such a high rate that we can’t get rid of them (see Mutations: evolution’s engine becomes evolution’s end!). This is called genetic entropy. We produce about 100 new mutations per person, per generation. That means I have 100 more mutations than my Dad, and my son has 100 more mutations than me. The children will therefore always have more mutations than the parents. .....the individual effect of most mutations is so small that natural selection can’t even ‘see’ them to get rid of them. Actually, we’ve got way more chance of dying by dumb ‘luck’ than we do of dying by natural selection. And even if someone manages to get a good mutation, that mutation can’t be separated from the much more common bad mutations, so their effect gets drowned out amid all the bad noise. What does all this mean? It means the human race is doomed to extinction, and we can’t do a thing about it. And it’s not just humans either. All life is doomed to the same fate! Extinction is our future, not evolution." CMI
For we know that the whole creation groaneth
and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22