Friday, December 20, 2013

Creation Moment 12/21/2013 - You're Not Necessary = Proof of Creator

  You are not necessary----allow me to explain. ... the world was here, and got along without you, long before YOU came along.
Sort of like a phone. That phone you hold had a starting point--yet is unnecessary. There are other phones out there besides the one YOU own. And people communicated long before the telephone was even invented.
Same for YOU.....U had a starting point, but there are others who really can do what YOU do and things got done before YOU came along.
So what's the point? YOU too had a starting point, and although YOU are unnecessary, YOU must exist for a reason. IN other words--YOU were made....That in itself makes YOU special when you think about it. Nature wouldn't have "made" YOU since YOU are unnecessary-but GOD "made" YOU anyway......see the point?
I will praise thee;
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14