Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Creation Moment 12/11/2013 - Cosmic Conundrum

"A structure over twice as large as the previous record holder puts immense strain on theories of the universe.
This new discovery is within a year of last January’s announcement that a structure half as large, the Large Quasar Group, not only defied theory (1/12/13) but threatened to unravel the time-honored “cosmological principle.” 
Reporter Irene Klotz explains the problem:

Astronomers have found a mind-bogglingly large structure — so big it takes light 10 billion years to traverse — in a distant part of the universe.
The discovery poses a conundrum to a fundamental tenet of modern cosmology, which posits that matter should appear to be distributed uniformly if viewed at a large enough scale.
This is the “lumpiness problem” of big bang cosmology: how do you get lumpy objects from a smooth beginning?  It was hard enough to explain relatively small lumps, like galaxies, or clusters of galaxies.  Now, such an immense structure compounds the lumpiness problem by many orders of magnitude. 
The new structure is inferred from the distribution of gamma ray bursts.  They ruled out other biases before concluding that “the structure from which they came spans approximately 10 billion light-years in diameter.” CEV

Thus saith God the LORD,
he that created the heavens,
and stretched them out;
Isaiah 42:5

OR as the secular Space.com put it - "Astronomers have found a mind-bogglingly large structure — so big it takes light 10 billion years to traverse — in a distant part of the universe.
The discovery poses a conundrum to a fundamental tenet of modern cosmology, which posits that matter should appear to be distributed uniformly if viewed at a large enough scale."