Thursday, November 7, 2013

The "Really" File - ("What would Jesus brew?")

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching,
but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves
teachers to suit their own likings,
2 Timothy 4:3 RSV

"For many, church time is a sobering time. But for a growing number of American Christians, it's the best time to crack open a beer.

From the "Really" File
Just ask the so-called "Church-in-a-pub" gathering in Fort Worth, Texas, which worships at the Zio Carlo brewpub and toasts with craft beer. These Sunday evening services are meant to offer "salvation and everlasting life with really good beer," according to a recent broadcast by NPR. The creative approach appears to be working: The event attracts about 30-40 congregants weekly, and the group is looking to expand to more locations.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America recently deemed Church-in-a-pub a Synodically Authorized Worshipping Community.
Religious leaders behind the trend defend this unique brand of worship. Among them is Pastor Matt Bistayi, who organizes Allendale, Mich., church meetings known as "What Would Jesus Brew?" " HP