Saturday, November 2, 2013

The #12 & the 144,000

So who are the 144,000 of revelation? There are several interpretations.
But for now, lets deal with the number itself. There were the 12 tribes of Israel which God's people were organized into--followed by the 12 disciples who organized Christianity.
12x12 = 144.....So one could say that the # 144,000 is a symbolic #.
Some within our SDA denomination view the 144,000 as an actual # of the leaders of the remnant post-mark of the beast.
Others believe the # is symbolic of the remnant as a whole----not a literal #.
Either way----whatever it is.....
'On the matter of the exact meaning of the 144,000 Sister White was repeatedly instructed us that "silence is eloquence."' E.G.W. Estate