Tuesday, November 26, 2013

SCAM ALERT - Green Prosperity Prayer Handkerchief

Don Stewart is a FRAUD...He is out there hawking Green Prosperity Prayer Handkerchiefs.....

Below is from this FRAUDS website....
"The Green Prosperity Prayer Handkerchief is a cloth that Don Stewart has personally prayed over, blessed, and anointed. .... Thousands of people around the world who have used the Green Prosperity Prayer Handkerchief have given inspiring testimonies of the miracles of healing, prosperity, and spiritual salvation."

Uhm....sorry, but you don't need to get one his hanky's for "spiritual salvation". And they don't do miracles or give you prosperity.

Don was busted by the IRS a few years ago and lost his ministry and most of his following. Now he is back SCAMMING again....

Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey,
to shed blood, and to destroy souls,
to get dishonest gain.
Ezekiel 22:27