Sunday, November 17, 2013

No Thank You Bishop Spong

Bishop John Spong declares a "New Christianity for a New World"....which he uses as a slogan for progressive Christianity.
My response:
The world really hasn't changed much. It isn't really a new world. It's just like the old one-with pain, suffering & death like before. The only difference is that we have more high-tech toys 'n gadgets, especially for communication around the planet. And our medical supplies are a lot better than the ones on hand compared to a couple hundred years ago....that being said, it's still the same old world. So what if our "toys" for mankind are a little more tech savvy?

And as for a "New Christianity" for this "new world"....I'll stick with the original Christianity, thank you very much..... Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8