Monday, November 11, 2013

Jeroboam: 10 Lessons about Worship pt.3

Jeroboam looks elsewhere:
Whereupon the king took counsel,
and made two calves of gold,
1 Kings 12:28
Jeroboam consulted the "experts" rather than the Word of God (writings of Moses that were available then) or the Spirit Of Prophecy (Prophet Ahijah who lived then).

If those advisors were alive today, their counsel would likely call for more culturally sensitive or gender inclusive worship styles. They might complain that the Bible is over 2,000 years old & therefore a little out-of-date and the writings of Mrs. White are a throwback to the Victorian age of the late 19th century. They would also likely be mesmerized by charismatic worship style music in the Sanctuary and certain aspects of the emergent church movement would grab their attention.