Thursday, November 28, 2013

IN the NEWS - Obama / Vatican battle

Looks like once again that the King of the North (Papal Rome) is being pushed against by the King of the South (Spiritual "Egypt"/the secular world).

"The Obama administration, in what’s been called an egregious slap in the face to the Vatican, has moved to shut down the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See — a free-standing facility — and relocate offices onto the grounds of the larger American Embassy in Italy.
Catholic Vote, a publication for the Church community, called the move “an unmistakable slap in the face” that clearly communicates that the United States cares little for the diplomatic facility.
And Mr. Nicholson went on, as Breitbart reported: “It’s another manifestation of the antipathy of this administration both to Catholics and to the Vatican — and to Christians in the Middle East." TheWashingtonTimes

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: Daniel 11:40
Is this part of the "pushing"? Who knows?......time will tell.....