Sunday, November 3, 2013

IN the NEWS - Neurocams

Uhm..."they" can finally read what's in your head....this is a little scary. Think less about what
marketers can do with it and more of what GOVERNMENTS could do with this technology...
When will people draw a line and say ENOUGH loss of privacy--they are making us all SHEEPLE with no line of demarcation left to us as unique individuals... You can see this with FB making a lame excuse to remove the ability to set your page to private...everyone is in everyone's business...
"Attached to a headband, the iPhone is fitted with a prism so its camera grabs footage from your point of view. Meanwhile, the EEG scans of brain activity correlate spikes in interest with the camera footage.
A Neurocam iPhone app assigns a value from 1 to 100 for the EEG data and the footage, and when it's over 60, the camera starts recording. The footage goes into an album of 5-second GIFs so you'll be able to remember what piqued your interest.
Of course, most of us can remember what we find interesting, but advertisers would love to get hold of that info. So it's no surprise that Japanese advertising giant Dentsu is backing the Neurocam through a joint venture called Dentsu ScienceJam.
"As an application in a B2B environment, Neurocam could determine what goods in stores interest people. And because the information includes position data, you can do mapping, so it could also show what places people are interested in as an aid for urban development planning. We think it could be used in lots of ways like that." c/net
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book,
even to the time of the end:
many shall run to and fro,
and knowledge shall be increased.
Daniel 12:4