Monday, November 25, 2013

IN the NEWS - Evil Stalks North Korea

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, .... murders,
Mark 7:21
"As many as 80 people were publicly executed in North Korea earlier this month, some for offenses as minor as watching South Korean movies or possessing a Bible,...the so-called criminals were put to death in seven cities across North Korea on Nov. 3, in the first known large-scale public executions
by the Kim Jong-un regime.
“A source, who is familiar with internal affairs in the North and who recently visited the country, told the paper that about 10 people were killed in each city,” the story went on to say.
“Eight people - their heads covered with white bags -- were tied to stakes at a local stadium in the city of Wonsan, before authorities shot them with a machine gun, according to the source.
“Wonsan authorities gathered a crowd of 10,000 people, including children, at Shinpoong Stadium and forced them to watch the killings.”
“I heard from the residents that they watched in terror as the corpses were (so) riddled by machine-gun fire that they were hard to identify afterward,” the JoongAng Ilbo source said.
Relatives or accomplices of the execution victims implicated in their alleged crimes were sent to prison camps.
“There is no clear reason for the executions. One government official noted they occurred in cities that are centers of economic development. Wonsan is a port city that Kim is reportedly planning to make a tourist destination by building an airport, hotels and a ski resort on Mount Masik,” said Fox News.
“Simultaneous executions in seven cities could suggest an extreme measure by the North Korean government to quell public unrest or any capitalistic inclinations that may accompany its development projects." ChristianTelegraph