Friday, November 29, 2013

IN the NEWS - Atheist billboard onslaught in Sacramento

"Dear Friends,
An astounding 55 atheist billboards will soon go up in Sacramento. There must be a sale on billboard space here in the California capitol because the local chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation just purchased enough space to put up approximately 55 billboards over the city in the next month. It seems to be part of a massive publicity effort to counter the religious themes of the holidays. This is the largest group of atheist billboards to ever go up at once in the US. Each billboard features a local atheist/s along with a quotation of his/her choosing. Naturally I believe in the freedom of speech, so besides prayer how, if at all, do you think Christians should respond to something like this?"
DougBatchelor via FB
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7