Friday, November 1, 2013

Glenn Beck responds to Mr. Wall

Mr. Beck responds to James Wall who wrote a piece blasting Beck for claiming our rights come from God......

"Wall continues: “In reality, our rights come from mankind. Our creator is not a divine moral law giver, it’s 3.6 billion years of evolution.

“Well, then James, I just want to make sure I have this right. You would have no problem whatsoever
when mankind takes your right away. You should simply accept it as the new reality that we’ve evolved into, right? If we just evolve into a society that says God should make sure that James doesn’t have a right to speak about his godlessness, then we have evolved into that. Or is it only evolution one way or another?”

“You have it exactly backwards… Here’s what you have wrong: Rights dictate laws, not the other way around,” Glenn said emphatically. “The United States Constitution dictates our rights. The United States Constitution, based on the rights given to us by God. From there, the Constitution says these things cannot be changed at all. You cannot change these things because these come from God. Now, make all the laws you want. And that’s where mankind changes his mind: Slavery’s right, slavery’s wrong; smoking’s good, smoking’s bad. That’s man. That’s not God.”"

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
Psalm 33:12