Friday, November 22, 2013

Creation Moment 11/23/2013 - Less than 1 in 479,000,000

Less Than 1 in 479 Million’:
Mathematician Calculates Impossibility of Contriving Creation Account
"A mathematician with a historical timeline organization has calculated that there is less than a 1 in 479 million chance that Moses, the author of Genesis, made up the Biblical creation account.
Recently, Hunter carefully analyzed the creation account in the book of Genesis and determined that, scientifically speaking, it is remarkably accurate. She explained to Christian News Network that scientific developments today confirm the Biblical order of the creation account—from the very first
light to the creation of man.
“I realized the 12 items listed in the Genesis creation account are confirmed by scientists today as being in the correct order, starting with light being separated from darkness, plants coming before animals and ending with man,” Hunter stated.
Statistically speaking, the likelihood of Moses simply guessing the sequence of all the creation events, and happening to guess them all correctly, is infinitesimal.
“Moses had less than one chance in 479 million of just correctly guessing [the sequence of the creation account],” Hunter deduced." ChristianNews
And God said, Let there be light:
Genesis 1:3