Monday, November 18, 2013

Creation Moment 11/19/2013 - Evolution just got kneed

...for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14
"One would think after centuries of dissections and surgeries that the human knee is pretty well understood.  Not so; a “new” ligament has been discovered, reported the BBC News, named the anterolateral ligament.  It looks pretty obvious from the photo in Medical Xpress.  It’s important, too: it helps protect the knee when we twist or change direction.  Without it, the knee can suddenly give way.  A surgeon outside the study group remarked, “If you look back through history there has been a veiled understanding that something is going on on that side of the knee but this work finally gives us a better understanding.”" CEH
One would think that if they just now found a ligament in the human could they know what happened supposedly millions of years ago with any confidence?