Thursday, November 28, 2013

Black Friday-mania

Your gold and silver is cankered;
and the rust of them shall be a witness against you,
James 5:3

"Malls are beefing up patrols with off-duty cops.  The National Retail Federation issued crowd management guidelines, urging stores to prepare for flash mobs, long lines of angry customers and crowded washrooms. The Washington-based trade group has sent out the memo annually since a Wal-Mart worker was trampled to death in 2008 during a Black Friday melee. Shoppers are “anxious to be first,” he said. “They get really rambunctious coming in the door. You have to be informative so they’re not going crazy looking for whatever.” With more stores opening on Thanksgiving, malls have been seeing more guests who drank too much booze with their turkey,....
Last year, Marrero opened an hour earlier than planned when he saw a mob swelling.
“I saw the crowds were getting bigger,” Marrero said. “We opened the doors early to avoid people trampling.”"