Thursday, October 3, 2013

SDA News - IRS Target Carson

"Former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Ben Carson reportedly got a surprise visit from the IRS after
he sharply criticized Washington public policy, including Obamacare, at a gathering that included President Barack Obama.
Carson told business leaders and elected officials in Alabama on Monday night that his first-ever "encounter" with the agency followed his fiery speech at a National Prayer Breakfast in February,..Although the speech made him a conservative darling, it apparently earned him a little attention from the taxman as well. The embattled agency came under attack just three months later, in May, when it was accused of singling out tea party groups for scrutiny.
Carson never divulged the outcome of his visit from the IRS.
The scandal-scarred IRS, however, continues to be very much on the minds of Americans, a new poll showed.
According to Rasmussen's survey, most Americans think the IRS broke the law by targeting tea party groups for harassment, but few expect it to be punished."

......and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17