Thursday, October 17, 2013

Neo-Eugenics raises it's ugly head

The call for "Population CONTROL" is nothing more than the neo-eugenics movement. If we have Population CONTROL, who decides who lives and who dies? Some panel of secular bureaucrats appointed by selfish, greedy, immoral politicians from around the world?
Don't kid yourself for a moment---Population control means forced abortions (like in China)  & euthanasia (like in Europe) of the sick, elderly and (like Belgium is debating) teenagers who simply don't want to live--and probably anyone else for that matter.
People---wake up---Population CONTROL means just that--CONTROL....
This is stemming from the extremists in the Green Religion. Those who worship Mother Earth over the Father God. It is as though Lucifer himself is talking for them as he articulates excuses to physically wipe out as many of God's created humans as possible.
BTW-the U.N. & the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that is calling for this Population CONTROL. So if there is to be Population CONTROL-can we start with them first?

Article Below on topic from CNN---
"Charles Darwin once said that we can understand some parts of nature and the universe, but we can't comprehend them.
For instance, take the fact that in the next 12 years, we're projected to add another billion people. Since a billion seconds equal 31.7 years, at the rate people are arriving, we can't even count them.
Or that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change now says that if we want to stay below a
2-degree Celsius (3.6-degree Fahrenheit) increase in average global temperature, we can't emit any more carbon dioxide than what's released by burning 1 trillion tons of carbon. But we've already used more than half our allotment.
There's a direct link between those two hard-to-grasp figures -- the more humans, the more carbon.
According to the World Resources Institute, to stay on the safe side of a 2-degree Celsius increase, we'd have to go back to the amount we were expelling in 1990 -- and then cut that in half.
How might we possibly do that? It will depend on how wisely we address the matter of those billion new humans.
Population management can't do it all; we need a full-court press on all fronts. But if we want a secure future, we need to start with the fastest, most affordable way we know to limit carbon emissions: by bringing fewer emitters into the world." CNN
Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,
who is blessed for ever.
Romans 1:25
And because iniquity shall abound,
the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:12
P.S.-Who decides who does the "CONTROLLING" & who gets "CONTROLLED"?