Monday, October 21, 2013

IN the NEWS - Tasmania 13-11 vote

"Supporters of doctor-assisted suicide in Australia have come very close to legalizing euthanasia in
Nitschke - "Exit" Kit?
Tasmania. Philip Nitschke, founder of Exit International, was once able to convince Australia's Capitol Territories to pass a euthanasia law -- a law that Rita Marker of the Patients Rights Council tells OneNewsNow was overturned by the Australian Parliament in 1995, after Nitschke had killed four people.

"Ever since then, Philip Nitschke, the doctor who was the Australian Kevorkian, had been just pushing this and pushing it and pushing it to get it passed in some Australian place, such as Tasmania, and they have tried over and over," Marker explains. "This was their latest attempt, and they came very close to it. They had a very close vote; it was 13-11."
"In addition to that ... instead of being for people who are terminally ill, it said for those who were 'incurable' or 'irreversible,'" Marker reports. "And that's really a broad spectrum. A lot of people have incurable and irreversible conditions that they can live with for years, one of which happens to be ... diabetes."Had Nitschke been successful, Tasmania would have approached what is happening in Belgium and the Netherlands." OneNewsNow

As for the 11 who voted in favor of Nitschke's position -
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:12
We have our deer crossing signs-& Tasmania has its Tasmanian Devil
crossing signs.......& there is a devil down under trying to make money off of
"kits" to help one "exit" this life........