Tuesday, October 1, 2013

IN the NEWS - Sorry Bill....

The following script is from "Killing Jesus" which aired on Sept. 29, 2013. (60 Minutes/CBS)

"Bill O'Reilly has reigned as the king of cable TV news for more than a decade. But it's his new role as the author of history books that has also made him a publishing powerhouse. His last two books,
"Killing Lincoln" and "Killing Kennedy," sold more than 5 million copies. And now O'Reilly is adding to his opus with a new book -- that's likely to be his most popular and divisive of all -- called: "Killing Jesus."
Although he's a devout Catholic, he didn't write a religious book. He doesn't call Jesus "the Son of God" or "the Messiah." O'Reilly admits that some of his facts directly contradict the Bible and he stands by them. And he also tells us his inspiration for "Killing Jesus" is nothing short of divine.
Bill O'Reilly: All of the ideas come to me in the middle of the night. And one night, I just woke up and I went, "Killing Jesus." And I believe because I'm a Catholic that comes from the Holy Spirit. My inspiration comes from that."
Being chosen pays well -- more than $10 million for this book -- almost unheard of in publishing.
Bill O'Reilly: That's the crux of the "Killing Jesus" theme, is that there was a reason he was executed. Not that he was saying he was God. Droves of people said they were God. But now when you interrupt a money flow -- now you're into territory where they gotta get rid of him.

Norah O'Donnell: You include two quotes from Jesus on the cross, but not the most famous one: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Why not?
Bill O'Reilly: We don't put in things that we don't think happened.
Norah O'Donnell: How do you know?
Bill O'Reilly: Because you couldn't say something like that, audibly that people would hear. He, you die on a cross from being suffocated. That your lungs can't take in anymore air. You can hardly breathe. We believe Jesus said that, but we don't believe he said it on the cross, 'cause nobody could've heard it.
Norah O'Donnell: So is this the Gospel according to Bill?

Bill O'Reilly: This is best available evidence according to Bill. We believe that the oral history in the Bible is largely accurate but we're not taking it literally."
Sorry Bill,....Not "buying" it.....
For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.
2 Corinthians 11:4 NIV
Monday, Sep 30, 2013 (Glenn Beck Program)
"On radio this morning, Bill O’Reilly, author of the recently released Killing Jesus, joined Glenn to talk about his new book. Bill made headlines this morning for an interview he did with CBS’s Norah O’Donnell on last night’s 60 Minutes,.....
In discussing his new book, Bill explained he felt a calling to write the book. “I believe, because I’m a Catholic, that comes from the Holy Spirit,” he said of the motivation and idea to write the book.
“My inspiration comes from that and so I wrote ‘Killing Jesus,’ because I think I was directed to write that.”
O’Donnell responded by noting that the host seemed to be distinguishing himself as especially important. “You are suggesting that you’re the chosen one, Bill,” she quipped. Bill reiterated that he’s not the “chosen one,” but that he is someone who has been given gifts that he uses for good.
“Look, I set everybody straight. That was a provocative question and I set her straight,” Bill said on radio this morning. “Everybody’s inspired to do good and everybody’s tempted to do evil and then you select.”
Despite his Catholic faith, Bill explained that this book is not at all religious. Instead, it is a historical look at the life and death of Jesus.
"Now, I don’t say in Killing Jesus he was performing miracles because how would I know? No doctor there. I can’t report that as a historian. What I can report is that the Romans and the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Sanhedrin were receiving reports of these miraculous healings, which would have driven crowds like that. That’s the only explanation. Jesus was doing something that got the word out and these thousands of people were converging on where they thought he was going to be. Just to see him or touch his robe. And that had never happened before. And I don’t think it’s ever happened since.”
Sounds like Bill was casting doubts on the historicity of Scripture on the more liberal 60 Minutes and leaving the door open for more wiggleroom in the possibility of the Biblical narrative on the more conservative Glenn Beck program.
Regardless, his tone about the Bible was clearly different on each show geared towards 2 differing audiences....(Go back & compare the underlined sections-on the liberal 60 Minutes he closes the door on the Biblical account itself-while on the Conservative Glenn Beck program he leaves the door open for believing the Gospel account - see what he is doing to sell a book)
Sorry Bill...........Still NOT "Buying" it.....