Friday, October 18, 2013

Creation Moment 10/19/2013 - "Biblical Porn"?

"University of Southern California professor and author of the book Planet Without Apes, Craig
Stanford, says evangelicals who don't accept Darwinian evolution are being intellectually dishonest and dismissed evangelist Ray Comfort's recent film "Evolution vs. God" as nothing but "biblical porn."
He said the end result is a film that won't win any new converts and argued that people should ignore it.
"The best approach to people like him and the evangelical community that might be making films like this, in general, is to just ignore them because they're obviously preaching to the converted, they are not winning over any hearts and minds of anybody else who is not evangelical," said Stanford. "It's a bit of a silly approach that they have that's all about trying to validate their increasingly marginalized beliefs." ChristianPost

Really? If it's "silly" and basically just preaching to the choir, then why did you feel the need to respond?
Of course, I would argue that anyone who looks at a toaster (or human body) and tries to tell people it self assembled over time---is being intellectually dishonest----especially in light of what we know from genetics....
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
Romans 1:20 NASB