Friday, October 11, 2013

Creation Moment 10/12/2013 - HAT-P-1

"HAT-P-1 belongs to a class of planets called "hot Jupiters" that are so named because they orbit
much closer to their stars than Jupiter does to our Sun, despite being roughly the same size."
"HAT-P-1b is an extrasolar planet orbiting the Sunlike star HAT-P-1, also known as ADS 16402 B. HAT-P-1 is the dimmer component of the ADS 16402 binary star system. It is located 453 light years away from Earth in the constellation Lacerta. HAT-P-1b is among the least dense of any of the known extrasolar planets." Wikipedia
"With a radius about 1.38 times Jupiter's, HAT-P-1 is the largest known planet. In spite of its huge size, its mass is only half that of Jupiter.
"This planet is about one-quarter the density of water," Bakos said. "In other words, it's lighter than a giant ball of cork! Just like Saturn, it would float in a bathtub if you could find a tub big enough to hold it,..." CFA
More interesting planetary diversity, which points towards - well, U know.... ---- Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, Hebrews 11:3