Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Creation Moment 10/1/2013 - Kitty Cat Relations

"Jong Bhak, a geneticist from the Personal Genomics Institute of South Korea, led a team of researchers in unlocking the genome of tigers, snow leopards and lions.  One of the surprising results they found is that the big cats share 95.6% of their DNA with your small lovable pet cat.
Furthermore, they identified several mutations in snow leopards that help them survive in the high altitudes of their mountain homes.  There are two genes allow the leopards to live in lower than normal oxygen levels than you find at high altitudes. 
They also identified several genes that alter the metabolic pathways that are associated with protein digestion.  These genes allow the big cats to be the carnivorous predators they are today.  They claimed that these genes that allow tigers, lions and snow leopards to digest meat evolved over tens of millions of years.
The researchers actually provided evidence that supports the biblical account of creation and the curse, only they don’t realize it.
The similarity between the genomes of the big cats and our domesticated house cats led the researchers to believe that they had a common ancestor.  Genesis 1 tells us that God created every animal according to their kind.  Most creationists today believe that there was one, perhaps 2 original created cat kinds.  The research provides evidence for one created cat kind and that all of the cats we have in the world today, large, medium and small, came from that created kind.  As cats spread throughout the earth, both before and after the Flood, they would have resulted in different populations being genetically isolated from each other, causing the loss and preservation of different traits.  Over time and the loss of more genetic traits, we end up with big cats, medium sized cats and small cats.
Notice that the researchers believe that the big cats evolved the mutations that allow them to eat and digest meat and nothing else.  This must mean that prior to the mutations; the big cats could not easily eat and digest meat, which means that they must have started out as vegetarians.  The biblical account of creation says that all animals originally ate plants, fruits and seeds.  That also means that their sharp teeth would have been designed to eat some forms of plants.
Third, we know that when Adam sinned, everything that God created became cursed.  Death and disease entered a once perfect creation.  The ground now brought forth thorns and thistles.  Many creationists believe that when God cursed all of creation that he caused certain changes in plants and animals including some animals that now became carnivores.  The sharp teeth that once ripped open tough vegetation were now used to rip the flesh from other animals.  It’s just possible that the mutations discovered by the researchers occurred at the time of the Curse." CreationRevolution

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind,
Genesis 1:25