Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Creation Moment 10/10/2013 - 9 Problems with Theistic Evolution (#9)

 9 Problems with Theistic Evolution (#9)
"Ninth, in the process of evolution, is God Himself simply an entity among countless others and therefore Himself caught in the flow of history? Are human beings themselves creators and, though to a lesser extent, nonetheless similar to God? The biblical doctrine of creation safeguards the distinction between God and humanity. God is the Creator; we are the created. He is the sustainer, while we are the sustained. Such a distinction helps us avoid the temptation to make ourselves God."
PD / E.E.Zinke
Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer,
and he that formed thee from the womb,
I am the LORD that maketh all things;
that stretcheth forth the heavens alone;
that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;
Isaiah 44:24
Theistic Evolution "blurs" the line between Creator & created