Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tamara Laroux - to "hell" & back?

And as it is appointed unto men once to die,
but after this the judgment:
Hebrews 9:27

Tamara Laroux is hitting the talk circuit claiming that when she was 16 in 1985, that she attempted suicide. She claims she put a gun to her heart and pulled the trigger (but obviously missed her heart).

A couple of problems.....
1) "Hell" doesn't exist in the sense she refers to....it is the "lake of fire" that exists after the 2nd resurrection for the final destruction of all things wicked once and for all. The dead are dead until the resurrection.
2) She also claims that initially she placed the gun in a position to blow her brains out but that a small voice (of God) told her to move the gun down by her heart so she wouldn't miss.... (Uhm, I...didn't know God was in the suicide advice business...)

She has written a book -  “Delivered, A Death-Defying Journey into Heaven and Hell.”

Either she is a LIAR or has been DECIEVED

Oh yeah, one more thing--how did she get her punishment/reward without going through the judgment? Just asking.....